Friday, October 31, 2008

@#SMMW - Subs & Pubs & Big Picture Beer

TGIF because I'll tune in once again to the 12-week Social Media & Marketing Webinar, hosted by DOMUS CONSULTING GROUP, moderated by founders KEVIN BOER and PAT KITANO and supported by Active Rain's BRAD ANDERSOHN. Each week we jump on the web and surf a new wave of instruction and information that is value-packed with a pair of training wheels as we are all processing the surge of web-based applications to use in our marketing. This particular webinar is focused on the marketing side that is applied through Social Media. Tuning in to this forum has given me a place for learning to understand the framework and powerful potential of Twitter---which has totally surprised me...I never would have considered it to be the UNBELIEVEABLE power tool that it is for your marketing efforts! We're also learning to understand RSS (Real Simple Syndication) which Kevin Boer and Pat Kitano refer to as "the glue that holds much of the social media together." AHA! I love these images. They really help me understand the big picture! THE BIG PICTURE that is hopping with excellent brews of easier-to-digest information. I guarantee you'll be buzzed with excitement over all the potential, real, down-to-earth possibilities for your everyday business efforts. Last week we learned to distinguish between PUBlishers and SUBscribers , explained as the two components of RSS (ding! ding!). The Domus guys spelled this out, illustrating how THE PUBLISHER is a website that produces content and a SUBSCRIBER is the reader of that content. Tools like FEED READERS (google reader, netvines & tons of others) provide a framework for ordering and organizing all of your subscriptions. This basically allows the media to arrive in your inbox, saving you a lot of time and effort and navigating around. It's all very cool, calm and collected---and did I mention FUN?!

For info on upcoming webinars, check out DOMUS CONSULTING GROUP.

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