Tuesday, November 11, 2008

IN-FORMATION reflection for Veteran's Day

VETERAN'S DAY... a day to pause and reflect...to pull in our aligned forces of gratitude, for those who serve our highest ideals in the fight for freedom... to take a priceless moment to acknowledge and remember the men and women I've learned of, known of and some I've met here in Auburn, Alabama through my work as a REALTOR. What a privilege I have in America---to have such an opportunity to work and encounter so many incredible people along the way. Each one is a brilliant reflection of humanity's collective struggle to be free and to have a place to stand and understand... to know of HOME on earth. Today I especially salute the men and women who have participated in the action, to those who gave (and are still giving) of their own blood, sweat and tears to foster FREEDOM. Today I am especially thank-full, and pray that each spirit can soar. May every thought, every action and interaction take off from the fields of FREEDOM in your heart, guided by the Light that unveils texture from the terrain of your selfless souls. TO YOU, propelled from the heart of our country as your bodies and spirit lend a sacrifice and land us the dream--- TO BE FREE... and with our FREEDOM we ARE changed, 'from glory to glory'...from moment to moment... from soldier to soldier---each and every one... THANK YOU!

Tribute To Veterans

(pics are of my mom who served in the navy during WWII; below she is pictured with comedian, Red Skelton...)

FOR YOU...May every moment and movement be directed to uplift the atmosphere around you today... may this prayer of f-LIGHT propel you and keep you IN-FORMATION, in the atmosphere of greatest LOVE and gratitude...

© Copyright 2008 - This posting and the contents written here, except where noted, are the property of Mara Hawks, All Rights Reserved

Active in Alabama, Mara Hawks, REALTOR with FIRST REALTY of Auburn, AL, #1 Real Estate Team in Lee County, THE LEADER in professional real estate services in Auburn, Opelika & Lee County for over 3 decades! Committed to INTEGRITY, KNOWLEDGE & SERVICE.


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